Labour’s housing band aid: currently around 8500 adults & 3888 kids live in NZ motels, costing more than half a billion dollars to date

“Govt accused of running get-rich-quick scheme after National reveals motels being paid millions for emergency accommodation”

And the Nats can’t talk … Key hocked off a large chunk of our state homes to property developers … paid for by our forbears. And Labour’s so far sold off $30 mill worth. As we speak councils NZ wide are hocking off the pensioner housing at fire sale prices. Nats & Labour, same bird, different wings. All in sync with Agenda 21/30. Who listens to their constant banter, maintaining the illusion they are in opposition? And last count we were at some 42K homeless here. During Key’s time, 43K. While treasonous Roger Douglas enjoys his knighthood in luxury. Hailed as a success & rewarded by the very system that is driving the corporate takeover of the wealth of once sovereign nations. EWR

From mainstream’s newshub

“National has accused the Government of running a get-rich-quick scheme for motel owners, some of whom have been earning millions for operating as emergency accommodation.

The party’s housing spokesperson Nicola Willis revealed since Labour came into office:

  • One emergency housing supplier has earned $14.7 million
  • One motel has earned $10.5 million
  • 10 motels have earned more than $5 million
  • 128 emergency housing suppliers have earned more than $1 million

Willis said significant expenditure is the result of policy failure.

“We have community housing providers up and down New Zealand who are ready to provide better housing options and better support to people in need, but instead, this Government thinks it is enough to write a big cheque to a motel.”



In spite of promises not to, Labour has sold $30mill worth of NZ’s state homes while the homeless live in camp grounds, cars & sheds

2 thoughts on “Labour’s housing band aid: currently around 8500 adults & 3888 kids live in NZ motels, costing more than half a billion dollars to date”

  1. Kiwibuild simply diverted resources from where they were needed and delivered less than 1% of what Labour promised. But that is typical of Labour Party thinking, the belief that all problems can be solved by setting up bureaucracies which are great for the bureaucrats on big salaries, not good for the people they are supposed to help. The housing crisis is going to get worse before it gets better.

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