NZ: At a Christchurch City Council hosted “meet the candidates” meeting, vaccinated candidates were asked to stand up!

Posted recently @ Facebook, commentary included.

“A Christchurch city council hosted “meet the candidates” meeting in the lead up to the local body elections. They literally made the candidates stand up if they were vaccinated and alienated those who were not. This is simply unacceptable and disgusting.

The Christchurch City Council is literally trying to dissuade people from voting for unvaccinated candidates who do not support the woke agenda. This is not impartiality and nor is it legal for the council to tamper with elections and intervene with bias. The reaction of the locals attending the meeting is heart warming. The Christchurch City Council should be publicly shamed for their behaviour. share this video to all you know. We cannot let this be swept under the carpet.”

Note this is not new behaviour, from my own personal observations of councils in NZ. It’s become the new normal where the democratic process has gone right out the door. Meetings that appear controlled (subtly controlled by the Delphi technique in this case not so subtly) Councils it would seem, have become a law unto themselves. They are the Trojan horse for the UN Agenda 21 / 2030 agenda. There appears to be in NZ now an all out effort to dampen the efforts of those who are seeking election for Councils, who do not represent the government narrative. A government that presents itself as democratic.

In Wellington, Mayoral candidate Barbara McKenzie has encountered a similar environment of coercion and lack of ethics, quote:

“Two meetings I have attended here in Wellington asked “Do you have any association, or affiliation, with any organisation or group whose intent is to make NZ ungovernable?”. First time was at Island Bay (my very first meeting ….) and came from the residents association itself. When I answered “no” I was jeered at by the Green rentacrowd. Second time I said something like “yes, me and Tariana Turia” and funnily enough, no jeering …
One meeting did the “if you’re vaccinated, stand up” thing. Another asked the same, yes or no. So I was able to answer that I’d been vaccinated for all sorts but given Pfizer’s dreadful record for fraud and injury I wouldn’t buy a toothbrush from them.
Two candidates are in the habit of introducing themselves with “I’m such and such and fully vaccinated”.

The person asking the vaccinated to stand at the Christchurch public meeting was allegedly John Sellwood, a Christchurch communications professional.

Clearly the rights of the unvaccinated to choose are not respected in NZ. Neither is their privacy. Unbelievable!



Agenda 21 NZ and Christchurch – what you need to know

Christchurch 2030 Agenda End-game: Global Settlement

11 thoughts on “NZ: At a Christchurch City Council hosted “meet the candidates” meeting, vaccinated candidates were asked to stand up!”

  1. So glad you’re shocked!
    Two meetings I have attended here in Wellington asked “Do you have any association, or affiliation, with any organisation or group whose intent is to make NZ ungovernable?”. First time was at Island Bay (my very first meeting ….) and came from the residents association itself. When I answered “no” I was jeered at by the Green rentacrowd. Second time I said something like “yes, me and Tariana Turia” and funnily enough, no jeering …
    One meeting did the “if you’re vaccinated, stand up” thing. Another asked the same, yes or no. So I was able to answer that I’d been vaccinated for all sorts but given Pfizer’s dreadful record for fraud and injury I wouldn’t buy a toothbrush from them.
    Two candidates are in the habit of introducing themselves with “I’m such and such and fully vaccinated”.
    I’d like to write it all up, but no time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Btw, my flyer was inserted into yesterday’s DomPost, resulting in a host of positive responses, by phone and email (including from a Rangitikei farmer!). But also two emails asking me eg:
    “Before I vote, I’d like to know your position on Covid vaccination.
    – do you support vaccination of the population?
    -how many Covid vaccinations have you had yourself?”

    And of course if you say “mind your own business”, then it’s a confession. Are we going to recover from this divisive government?


    1. Well that’s good news. The positive responses. Interesting that even with no mandates and a govt/corp that says no mandates is asking that Q. Will we recover? Anyone’s guess. They are pushing hard aren’t they?


      1. Further to the situation in Wellington. The Greater Brooklyn Residents Association held their meeting on Tuesday. It was another clown sh…, sorry game show, with candidates only allowed 2 minutes to speak, and many rapid fire lucky dip questions. One of the questions was “are you affiliated with Voices for Freedom”. This enabled one of the rent a crowd Greens to shout out “She’s an antivaxer!” (to which someone in the audience replied, “get a life!”)
        Although in this case the loaded question was engineered by the Residents Association, it is noticeable that when Green candidate Tory Whanau isn’t present the rent a crowd is absent and the meetings are less toxic.


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