4 thoughts on “Emf Beams Modifying A Killer Storm in Oz”

  1. If we humans could geoengineer weather it could be used for good as well as destruction. It could be used to bring water to dry places for example and to dry up wet places. Why would we humans not be doing the good stuff if we can control the weather as is suggested. By the way the commentary on the video was not understandable to me. He was all over the place and nor making any sense.

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    1. Hello Ray. Thanks for your comment. Actually your thought about doing good stuff with the weather has occurred to me many times since I learned about weather mod.. & in fact prompted this article: “Australia is 1 of 47 countries globally that makes rain by cloud seeding (BBC) … why are they not using it to extinguish the fires?” https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/2020/01/04/australia-is-1-of-47-countries-globally-that-makes-rain-by-cloud-seeding-bbc-why-are-they-not-using-it-to-extinguish-the-fires/ Unfortunately the humans who ventured down that track are not ‘good’ people. As many researchers have noted. I recommend you read Elana Freeland’s 3 books. And have a look around Cliff Carnicom’s website. Re the video commentary, I think those who are familiar with geoengineering & follow the channel would have understood it. Perhaps watch a few more to familiarize yourself.


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