Some countries are chasing down people & forcibly jabbing them

There are two countries from which we have seen videos of forced jabs, those being Argentina and India. (India posted previously, link below). The Argentinian one is disturbing, be warned. A man is literally chased onto his roof where he tries to escape, is caught and held down and screaming, is forcibly jabbed. Likewise the Indian ones, women chased and forcibly jabbed. Watching ‘free’ citizens being chased down by jab squads and military &/or police brings home the new reality that these people offer no informed consent and they really mean business. It is ‘submit or we will force you’. Police state really isn’t it? Coercion at its worst.

Democracy has long been an illusion although some have not noticed this. Already here in NZ we are being told they are coming for the unvaccinated later this year. Elsewhere globally there is a door knocking campaign. Currently in Whanganui facebook reports they are visiting folk door to door already.

Watch at the links below:

