In India, ‘health’ teams accompanied by a Police militia force are chasing down & forcibly vaccinating their citizens (shocking video footage)

“Both videos from the Reasi dist. of Jammu. Police has set up a militia force to force vaccinate! 16 police vans, 509 police personnel and 5774 vaccine workers in what they call a “Force Multiplier” project, where they forcefully enter homes and use force to vaccinate!” (cited from the post at Twitter)

We have seen this tiptoe towards mandatory with widespread coercion on the ground & media spiels stating all will be vaccinated (including NZ) even though it is not mandatory. Now it has progressed, disturbingly, to forced vaccination. We saw it earlier on in the rollout with similar medical teams accompanied by uniformed soldiers in Germany forcing elderly care home patients to take the jab. We’ve also seen in the US, local law enforcement accompanying the teams to force vaccinate the mentally disabled … chased down and forcibly jabbed. Now we have a similar scenario in India (and the Philippines).

Italy is also now mandatory. We are not hearing much from there are we? Nothing since I posted on it around two weeks ago.

Below are videos which I warn you will likely find distressing so exercise caution especially around your children. Note, the article link contains links to the source which is Twitter. There you will find documentation, comments etc (and thank you to one of our readers SeaShell for the link):