Will Italy face CIVIL WAR as Prime Minister ORDERS vaccines to be Mandatory for all? .. those refusing will be DENIED all medical assistance, in all hospitals and clinics, public & private

This article is originally by Alexis Bugnolo (hear his brief bio), an Italian Francescan Brother. Here are links also to his YT channels:
His Electronic Journal, From Rome Info Video channel: https://www.youtube.com/FromRomeInfoV… The Channel of the Scholasticum, which he founded: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMwM… The Political Party of which he is a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCks_…

He is clearly wide awake to the globalist CV program and the goings on around that in his country. His site From Rome (links cited at the end of the article) covers the happenings with the mandatory vaccination program. He explains it more fully in the other articles.

In further explanation and response to a reader query, the government document can be read at the link in the first article. You will need to click on article 5 (at the left column) & copy the text into google translate to read it. However Alexis Bugnolo translates and explains the relevant clauses for you. I’d recommend subbing to his website to follow updates on this issue. Alarming developments indeed but ones that many of us know is the end game for the globalists. EWR

Bugnolo’s article published below at halturnerradioshow.com

In violation of every term of the Italian Constitution, the Charter of Human Rights of the European Nations, of the UN Charter for Human Rights, and every medical, scientific and religious moral norm, the Sanitary Dictatorship has approved the conversion into law of the Administrative Decree of Mario Draghi’s Government.  

The terms of this Dictatorial Decree oblige every resident of Italy to take the Vaxx, regardless of any position of religion or conscience.

Those who refuse, will be DENIED all medical assistance, in all hospitals and clinics, public and private.

Here is a direct link to the Italian Gazette, the official publication of the Italian Republic regarding laws. The Decree of April 1, 2021 was converted into a “law” by a vote in Parliament last week. The key wording is in Article 5, where anyone, who is deemed to be “not in present use of their natural faculties” — i .e. asleep — can be vaccinated by medical staff, because their consent is PRESUMED.


This is barbarism.

The Draghi government is going forward with its mass vaccination program with calculated steps. Already in past weeks we have seen political dissidents threatened with or receiving TSO’s (being taken to a mental asylum) for refusing to comply with Sanitary Dictatorship Decrees. Now any resistance can be deemed violent, violence deemed signs of insanity, insanity a sign of “not being in possession of natural faculties” and the door is open to vaccination!

I personally know of several poor people who are being obliged to get vaccinated in order to keep receiving welfare checks. While this goes beyond the letter of the law, in truth, Italy is already in a lawless state. Every injustice will now be perpetrated on account of the Scamdemic.

But with the approval of 44/2021, the previous approval of the “Green Passport” as the condition for travel between any two regions of Italy or use of public accommodations, makes the Vaccine a practical requirement for normal life takes on a new threat. Refusal to comply now gives a “legal” way to force vaccination.

Many opposition groups have declared in previous weeks and months, that if the Draghi government took this step, they would declare armed conflict against the government.

Whether Civil War breaks out now in Italy, God only knows, but truly with such a move the Italian Dictatorship has declared war on its people: a war of extermination, a war of genocide, a war against Christianity, a war to the destruction of all human life in the territory of the former Republic.

The days ahead abode with darkness and conflict. I beg your prayers to Our Lady of Victories for the Italian people!


Alexis Bugnolo


We have been informed as follows:

“The Council of Europe has document 15212 about vaxx’s. The resolution was voted on  27 Jan 2021.

Point 7.3.1 says that vaxx,s are NOT mandatory and point 7.3.2 ensures non-discrimination for not wanting it.

All EU countries are part of the COE., which is the governing body of the  European Court of Human Rights.

Check it out at https://pace.coe.int/en/files/29004/html 

Draghi cannot enforce  compulsion as this decision against that, has already been taken by the assembly of the COE. 

115 in favor, 2 against and 13 abstentions.



The Decree of April 1, 2021 was converted into a “law” by a vote in Parliament last week. The key wording is in Article 5, where anyone, who is deemed to be “not in present use of their natural faculties” — i .e. asleep — can be vaccinated by medical staff, because their consent is PRESUMED.

Bugnolo in the last article below explains that those who are ‘not present etc’ are those who didn’t take the VX.


See comments in this article.

AND the From Rome website:

ITALY: It’s Civil War! — Dictatorship Declares Vaxx obligatory for all

This article also explains further:


Italy was protesting mandatory vxes in 2017 …

Protesting against mandatory vaccination all across Italy!

8 thoughts on “Will Italy face CIVIL WAR as Prime Minister ORDERS vaccines to be Mandatory for all? .. those refusing will be DENIED all medical assistance, in all hospitals and clinics, public & private”

  1. What is the source of this news re vaccines for all in Italy. I see earlier it was was for all health workers

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Brenda, I have updated the article in response to your questions. There are links there from the website of the original author, a Francescan Brother that give further explanation of the situation in Italy.


    1. The Italian military should remove this moron of a prime minister before he causes the deaths of millions of Italians.

      Liked by 2 people

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