Labour is fixing the Nat-created housing crisis with Agenda 21/30 emergency units that look not unlike prison cells

The emergency housing ‘cells’ under construction… Photo:

As we know the Nats created a great hole in the State owned housing stock by selling off & land banking properties situated on prime real estate. Now Labour’s set to fix it with ‘affordable’ tiny housing. This is the global trend of course under the UN’s plan for sustainable development. (Sustainably developing developers’ bank accounts, nothing much else is being sustained … note worst pollution of waterways ever, councils are lip service only). With large swathes of the South Island just sold (rather gifted) off shore, governments/corporations have been full on privatising all our state assets with Public Private Partnerships that you all should examine a little more closely. More smoke and mirrors. For a full exposé you need to read Dr Naomi Jacobs’ ebook, a link there to the pdf is on the Agenda 21/30 in NZ page.

Further food for thought is the current new law in Australia that stops you declining vaccination for you or your child (or face 10 years imprisonment) and the stopping of private citizens and asking for papers/ID in the US. This is the beginnings of a totalitarian Police State agenda. That is the fairly plain writing I am seeing on the wall.

Here are the NZ tiny houses from … where are the windows?!

Photo: … artist’s impression of the new emergency housing

Housing crisis solution described as ‘design and planning monstrosity’

A building expert has slammed the Government’s latest emergency housing solution as a “design and planning monstrosity”.

Engineering consultant Jonathan Smith said the design of the small West Auckland units was unacceptable.

“The units are an eyesore and a design fail.”

The one-bedroom properties have already been criticised for looking like “prison cells”.

Single people would live in the prefabricated dwellings, for an average of three months, under the Government’s transitional housing programme.

Smith said the units were a “design and planning monstrosity”.


Agenda 21/30’s stack and pack / tiny housing is world wide

The Chinese Version of Agenda 21 and Why The U.S. Should Care

As most aware people already know, England often provides us with a forward-looking view of where our police state surveillance grid will be in three or four years.

The US has a canary in the mine from which to predict its future and it has to do with how China are implementing Agenda 21. China has long led the world in repressive and inhuman enforcement of its one child policies, mandatory sterilization and forced abortions…. read more

And this is not just China. A search online will see the tiny house trend everywhere. We’ve posted here recently on the trend and the steering away from large sections, formerly a Kiwi tradition.
Use categories to find other articles here on the roll out of UN Agenda 21/ 30.


‘Prison cell’ emergency housing units will house people for three months




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