Agenda 21 Stack & Pack Mega-Cities

A good time to revisit with word of similar developments in Christchurch (more to come on that).

Environmental Health Watch NZ

You will live near where you work. This plan is global & already we have signs of it in NZ. The stack & packs are situated near or around the transport/rail center of your cities. Do have a listen, hear those familiar terms, ‘sustainable’, ‘climate change’, ‘greenhouse emissions’, all very much part of Agenda 21 rhetoric. Our NZ planning documents carry the same. The ones about maintaining water quality etc certainly make you gag. The video is interspersed with the actual planning meetings … you will hear how people will be gotten out of their cars and onto bikes or public transport. Out of homes with lawns and into high rise apartments. Note how they haven’t come out and told this to our faces? It’s all gift wrapped & disguised with that new vocabulary. They are fond of repackaging. One discussion tells the planners how to disguise the term ‘toll…

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10 thoughts on “Agenda 21 Stack & Pack Mega-Cities”

      1. I have been active giving community input about two new warehouses coming soon in my neighborhood. I know it will happen according to the Agendas you mentioned but at least I can still speak out against it anyway. All the best to you.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I live in Washington state in USA. I have been following your blog for the last couple of years as much has been silenced here. It was likely mentioned on one of the other blogs I follow such as Natural News or some other. Thank you for spreading the word to others! What you refer to as ‘stack and pack’ is what I call ‘people warehouses’. Sorry for the confusion.


        2. Ah I see! Thanks Deborah. That explains it. And yes silenced world wide really in order to keep ‘the plan’ under wraps. Thanks for following my blog 🙂 Good to hear your feedback.

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  1. Hi Pam,

    Thanks for the AGENDA 21 video.

    These Californians, these particular leaders, are mentally challenged. The trouble is the same is true of most of NZ Labour, most of the Nats, and all of the Greens and the Maori Party. ACT has also been infiltrated. We are run by a party in our DUNEDIN council that is Green. It is mental. It will ruin our city Everywhere they go they ruin life.

    It’s all very sad but I believe in common sense and that if we can encourage enough people to use it and to think positively from a basic: “see what you see with your eyes, smell with your nose and hear with your ears and act accordingly” attitude, and not listen the “Greenspeak” we will come through this dark period.    Thanks again for the Agenda Video.

    I wish you all the best trying to alert people to the “Greenspeak”


    Soli Deo gloria!

    Liked by 1 person

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