7 proven ways to keep your brain young

Environmental Health Watch NZ

From greenmedinfo.health

Over 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Another 10,000,000 suffer with severe dementia and Parkinson’s. Even more struggle with age-related mild cognitive impairment. Here are 7 natural ways to defend your brain.

Alzheimer’s disease affects about 5.3 million Americans. It’s the leading cause of dementia and the 6th leading cause of death in the U.S.  And it’s growing at an alarming rate.  Already 13% of people over 65 have been diagnosed with the disease.  An astounding 43% of those over the age of 85 are victims.[i]

Alzheimer’s has been called the defining disease of the boomer generation.  Its victims are expected to triple by the year 2050.

In addition, it’s estimated that 10,000,000 others suffer with severe dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

But even if you escape these debilitating and life-threatening diseases, you may be among millions more who suffer from…

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