On the apparent banking cyber attack – important info (UPDATING)

Always wise to be awake, aware … and prepared…

I posted elsewhere recently on noticing changes with the banks, one that folk are suddenly finding it harder to get even a small bank loan, compared to months back when they were all too willing to grant credit & money, being the predators that they are. Changes, rumor has it are coming in October. Now I know rumor is not necessarily reliable, however, it can be a heads up & a reminder as I say, to be prepared. Especially given the corruption that is currently rife, and also that our news is being heavily censored, and those speaking out, censured or removed. (See related article from seemorerocks on Chinese bank. EWR

Read at the link:


RELATED: Is this China’s Lehman Bros.?

Also here (adding these as they appear, I don’t necessarily agree with all of it… for your perusal … make your own judgments): https://www.facebook.com/amtvmedia/videos/1024215598154031 (re China)

RNZ podcast: https://tinyurl.com/4sjfts8x (re the cyber attacks)

Photo : halturnerradioshow.com