Bill Gates has major shares in both Pfizer & BioNTech, and an FOI has revealed he is the primary funder of the MHRA

No surprizes? The photo of Bill there shows him in his truer scamming light, shot from well circulated video footage of him rocking to and fro in court trying to fool the judge about what he didn’t understand about his monopolizing behaviour over MS. After that episode he rebranded himself as the philanthropist. Why would you trust this man with your health? EWR)


(I recommend you visit their site & peruse their news list … )

An investigation has revealed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are the primary funders of the UK’s Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, and that the Foundation also owns major shares in both Pfizer and BioNTech.

The Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) extended the emergency authorisation of the Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA jab in the UK to allow it to be given to children between the ages of 12 – 15 on the 4th June 2021.


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