BOOM! Founder of mRNA Vaccine: CDC Is UNDER-REPORTING and EDITING Adverse Affects of COVID Vaccines — Govt. Suppressing Information! | The Gateway Pundit

Truth2Freedom's Blog

Dr. Robert Malone, the founder of the mRNA vaccine technology joined Steve Bannon onThe War Roomon Saturday morning.

This was a riveting interview.

According to Dr. Malone the CDC is covering up the adverse affects of the dangerous COVID vaccines. Dr. Malone then went on to accuse megalomaniac Dr. Tony Fauci of being a liar who is purposely hiding this information from the public — for their own good.

Dr. Robert Malone:There’s pretty clear evidence that the spike protein expressed from vaccines is caused from toxicity in a small subset of patients. The question is how big is that subset and how bad and broad are those toxicities? The honest truth is we don’t know and futhermore there is a lot of signs that that information is being withheld from us… I have colleagues in the government who were aware and were months before the toxicity…

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3 thoughts on “BOOM! Founder of mRNA Vaccine: CDC Is UNDER-REPORTING and EDITING Adverse Affects of COVID Vaccines — Govt. Suppressing Information! | The Gateway Pundit”

    1. Yes I recall that particular one too. They changed the documentation or removed part of it that I recall. I did save their pdf & posted on it. Thanks will keep your link & add it. ❤


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