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The USA VAERS data base summary for 9th July: 10,991 deaths, 30,781 hospitalized, 59,402 urgent care, 3,906 heart attacks, 9,274 disabled, 1,073 miscarriages & more

From the Health Forum NZ @ facebook

VAERS database (USA) 9th July, 2021

This is the USA VAERS data base summary for the 9th July. This data base now has around 3 months of data which has not been loaded yet. VAERS is acknowledged as capturing around 1% of actual injury and death. However, I believe that this reporting rate will be slightly higher with CV V. If we generously assume an above average reporting rate of 5% (which is the rate acknowledged for the NZ Medsafe reporting)….You will need to multiply these numbers by 20 to get a more accurate picture.

9 thoughts on “The USA VAERS data base summary for 9th July: 10,991 deaths, 30,781 hospitalized, 59,402 urgent care, 3,906 heart attacks, 9,274 disabled, 1,073 miscarriages & more”

  1. Yes, as I’ve been sharing, just personally related anecdotes (none of which were officially reported) suggest that the true figures of mRNA Jab related injuries are way more than the stats indicate. Tip of the proverbial iceberg.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. (I have attempted to forward a video about a ‘breaking news’ Vaers report, and concerning a lawsuit by Thomas Renz ag. U.S. govt. Can anyone verify this….?

    Liked by 1 person

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