“France has Lost all her Freedom” Reader Laments as France Rolls Out Compulsory COVID-19 Vaccine Policies

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

A distraught Health Impact News subscriber from France emailed me today regarding new COVID-19 mandatory vaccine policies that were just announced by the President of France, Emmanuel Macon.

The President has spoken and the vax is compulsory for people working in hospitals, medical center, with old people event at home, etc.

The sanitory pass is everywhere even in hospital and above a group of 50 people. He said that everybody will probably have to be vax. France has lost all her freedom and is worse than China. He also attacks and reforms the pension and unemployement.

Please help us, French People, the world must know what is happening!

Here is the livestream from YouTube in French.



RELATED: All Across France Citizens Take to the Streets and Clash with Police Protesting New Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine Measures

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