Australia Announces Beginning of ‘New World Order’ As Harsh COVID Lockdowns Imposed – conspiracy huh?

EWR comment: Highlighted here recently in a shorter version, ‘they’ are telling us their NWO (that folk told us was ‘conspiracy’) is now here. Even globalist Jacinda Adern referred to it as the world order (as they do and did before they got this far).

They don’t mean well people. Planet lockdown is the endgame… this following article is from

As part of the “New World Order” model, the following measures have been imposed upon Australian citizens:

  • Outdoor gatherings limited to 2 people
  • Exercise permitted no farther than 10km away from home
  • Browsing shops forbidden
  • 1 person in household allowed to shop for essentials
  • Funeral limited to 10 people


Image by Jordan Holiday from Pixabay