Endless Resuscitation Required: Wind & Solar Simply Can’t Survive Without Massive Subsidies

Iowa Climate Science Education

As soon as the subsidies for wind and solar dry up, so does the investment in generating capacity, proving the point that neither wind nor solar can survive for very long without guaranteed, government-mandated support; whether in the form of Production Tax Credits, Renewable Energy Certificates or penalties and fines laid on retailers if they do not purchase sufficient quantities of unreliable wind and solar to satisfy their obligations under renewable energy targets.

William Murray tells the tale by tapping into the superhero meme.

Wanna Live Forever? Become an Energy Tax Credit; They Can?t Seem to Die
C3 Solutions
William Murray
14 June 2021

Renewable energy tax credits are either the superheroes or the vampires of energy policy. They simply can?t die. At this rate, they deserve a comic book series of their own. Five times in the past two decades, wind and solar tax credits were ready to expire…

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