“Out! Out damned spot!”: tweaking the death count folks

If ever you suspected corruption well this is it right here! Many I know will be suffering from cognitive dissonance at all this. My many years of uncovering lies & corruption have made me no longer surprised at all. My learning began with lies about our histories (victors write those remember) … then it was ‘harmless’ (poison) sprays like glyphosate, then 1080, all bona fide ‘checked’ by the (fake, corrupted) protective authorities … then it was all the food additives & various other environmental poisons that Dr Samuel Epstein exposed as causing cancer way back in the 1970s (swept under the google rug) … then it was the poisons falling from the sky exposed by Elana Freeland, Cliff Carnicom and many many others … then it was the real history of modern medicine courtesy of the Rockefeller fraternity … and that’s only the half of it, on and on, it has been lies upon lies upon lies. This latest episode aka plandemic with all those associated untruths comes as no surprise at all to me. The difficult matter is getting folk to see it.

Here anyway, we have proof of how the stats are being fiddled with…
