One third of the world’s population are now indicating that they will NOT receive the CV VX-we only see the tip of the iceberg

From The Health Forum NZ @ fb


One third of the Worlds population are now indicating that they will NOT receive the Covid-19 experimental injection.

This initiative (report below) examined the issue of “transparency” of both clinical trial data, and purchase agreements with governments.
Take home message….THERE IS NONE.

They reviewed 200 CV V contracts with governments around he world and found poor transparency and disturbing trend of governments censoring key details of their orders from drug companies.
Here in NZ we have the same situation of an extremely heavily censored and redacted document of the purchase agreements, accessed through Official Information Application.
Only 45% of all completed clinical trials have had their results announced…and of these 41% provided only top level results via press release or conference WITH FULL DATA NOT MADE AVAILABLE FOR MEDIA OR ACADEMIC REVIEWS.
Clinical trial protocols have only been release for a tiny 12% of the clinical trials. So even the 45% of trial data which has been released in some superficial way….the majority of the trials have not made the trial protocols visible to the public or scientists.
This is completely unprecedented behaviour.

This while our Government has the audacity to stand before us and tell us that we should ask no questions, and that the CV V is “safe and effective”