The NZ Nursing Union expresses concern at the plan to allow unqualified people to be involved with the VX rollout


This is an interesting article in the NZNO (Nursing Union) publication (See copy at the end). Note the concerns they are expressing about the new plan to allow unqualified people to be involved with the rollout.

When we heard the ratios of up to 6 unqualified staff being overseen by one nurse in these mass vx centres, we thought:

What could possibly go wrong?

Of course these people will have the skills to know exactly what to look for in terms of warning signs post-jab. They’ll be able to answer curly questions during the informed consent process. They will understand a person’s medical history and potential contraindications. And they’ll be perfectly positioned to assist anyone experiencing an adverse reaction. Safe. As. Houses. Or will they only be tasked with setting up the chairs? As the woman quoted in this article mentions, who will be liable for these people? And why wasn’t this professional body consulted about these plans? Are you a nurse? What are your thoughts on the way this has been handled, including any potential cut corners in terms of safety?

Our numbers are swelling and we are hearing from more concerned medical professionals every day. If you or someone you know is unhappy with the current situation, join us (link below) and be a part of driving change.


Image by Wilfried Pohnke from Pixabay