The NZ govt vax challenge outcome – Magic Talk Radio with Peter Williams & Sue Grey

Five minutes in hear more on the Vax Challenge with Sue Grey speaking about the case outcome.


8 thoughts on “The NZ govt vax challenge outcome – Magic Talk Radio with Peter Williams & Sue Grey”

  1. The legal test case against what is an illegal GMO trial is in my opinion incorrect. Sue Grey should have request proof of threat(as in the South African High Court test case) as the Crown NZ govt does not have proof( an isolated SARS cov2 ” virus”)
    When the judge Ellis suggested her fear of a ” strain” was a reason for not stopping GMO trial she should have used that and made the judge provide evidence of a ” sars cov2 strain’.
    The NIH has registered 100,000 “strain/mutations” in 2020 which they said under FOIA were “redundant” ( *all were not isolated “viruses” and were computer generated in the same fraudulent manner as the original Chinese consortium’s sars cov2 genome).
    How can she with a straight face let the judge talk about mutations/strain as a reason for pushing a GMO trial that is not for ” mutations/strains”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. To be clear, Sue’s challenge was against the legality of vaccinating all of NZ when the injection only has consent for provisional use to vx a selected number of people. She did make that clear early on & I am sure she is aware of the issue of the ‘so called’ virus.


      1. Hi Pam,
        Thats my point her legal challenge was in my opinion wrong.The Crown still have to prove there is a threat for a limited number or whole population.
        The action( a GM mrna from transcribed GMO injection purpose to create GMO hijacking healthy cells to make NIH patented spike proteins )rollout does not even come under under the medicines act it comes under hazardous substances Act.
        It is not a vaccine.


        1. She was acting for an incorporated society yes, but she developed the legal case not KTI.
          But it was a High Court test case and in my opinion it is a terrible result .
          If she had approached the challenge using a demand to the Crown govt NZ of ” proof of threat” and the right legislation pertaining to the injection ( Hazardous Substances Act not medicine Act ) it may have been more effective to legally stop “the Plan”.
          We are talking about illegal medical experimentation, a regression of Nazi proportions.
          Good to see your post that there are 32 Drs( that have remembered ” First do not harm”) in NZ.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Pam yes that is the Orwellian Polimedia, pathological . I have written to Sue Grey and provided my information to her ( before the test case).
    I am also trying to get a response to the Cease and Desist Notice I issued to the High Court, Parliament and Director gen .

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