Having already tweaked the definition of VX to include the mRNA variety, Merriam-Webster now expands ‘ANTI-VAXXER’ definition to include those who oppose FORCED JABS

From eclinik.net

“Merriam-Webster is again redefining language to fit a narrative, this time framing its definition of “anti-vaxxer” to include not only people who oppose vaccination, but also those who are against inoculation mandates.”

“The definition on Merriam-Webster’s website says “anti-vaxxer” means “a person who opposes vaccination or laws that mandate vaccination.” It’s not clear when it was written to include opposition to forced jabs, but many observers noticed for the first time on Wednesday.”




The Merriam-Webster Dictionary has Quietly Changed the Definition of ‘Vaccine’ to Include the COVID-19 mRNA Injection

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

6 thoughts on “Having already tweaked the definition of VX to include the mRNA variety, Merriam-Webster now expands ‘ANTI-VAXXER’ definition to include those who oppose FORCED JABS”

  1. By the way–my techie stuff is getting shared all over the place. As hard as I try to make it understandable, I know I miss that mark at times. But there are people out there reading it to whom it’s child-play.

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