Green Planet FM with Voices for Freedom NZ on the CV VX rollout – hear what mainstream is not telling you

From Green Planet FM with Tim Lynch. He is interviewing Alia Bee from

Brief notes: “Brain aneurysms, strokes, anaphylaxis, fertility issues, brain fog, crippling headaches, ICU admissions, deaths. Huge scale of cover up. Looking for whistle blowers.

People in military really sick, nurses also, and not reporting to CARM.”

Much more discussed around the rollout, the fallout that is not allowed to be talked about. Doctors are being silenced. A must listen if you value fully informed consent.

Voices for Freedom is a fantastic resource. They are looking to join folk to the like minded to network & support each other. Also available at their site are informative printable fliers for you to read & print out to supply to others.


Image by sss sss from Pixabay