Further delay in NZ government’s response to Sue Grey’s letter on the legalities of the covid-19 injection roll out (updated)

Thanks to Sue Grey and her tireless work on behalf of Kiwis.

UPDATES: Newest at top


Note: 5th May will be a public hearing apparently. Be there and support if you can. For further info updates go to Sue’s FB page.

20 April 21
19 April 21

18 April 21

For background info go here.

12 thoughts on “Further delay in NZ government’s response to Sue Grey’s letter on the legalities of the covid-19 injection roll out (updated)”

  1. The usual, they hate confrontation. I have been at them for eight years (different issue!) it never comes to a result that both parties can live with. Interesting that Substantive Response appears twice.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This sort of reply is fascinating for language students, though — “Substantive Response” belongs in the book ‘The New Goobledygook’ along with “foundational change” and “transformational change” both of which are often used by Jacinda to sound impressive which she can’t think of a proper statement to make. But we do know that covering things up is something she and government do regularly.


    1. Yes, the good old English language, it caters for everybody including the linguistically challenged. And there are plenty of those in good old government. Most of them wouldn’t know Sh from Kl.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. I think he may have taken the vax… not sure tho so don’t quote me. And if he did it won’t be the vax that killed him we know that by how safe & effective it is… it will have been natural causes 😉

          Liked by 1 person

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