The Top Four Reasons Why Many People, Doctors & Scientists Refuse To Take The COVID Vaccine, by Arjun Walia


Many people have trust issues, the disease just isn’t that dangerous, and natural immunity is better. From Arjun Walia at

In Brief

  • The Facts:It’s no secret that vaccine hesitancy is at an all time high. Mainstream media has claimed that this is a result of “anti-vax conspiracy theories” when in reality, there are legitimate concerns not being addressed.
  • Reflect On:Why does the mainstream fail to have appropriate conversations about concerns that are being raised about the COVID vaccine? Why do they remain unacknowledged and unaddressed?

When you ask somebody why they are choosing to take the covid vaccine or why they are wearing a mask, they may respond, “because science.” The next question to ask is, how many of these people have actually gone through the science of vaccines and whether or not masks may be an effective tool for limiting the spread of COVID?

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