FCC and Big Telecom use outdated & faulty testing method as basis for claims that cell phones and wireless devices pose no health risks

Big Tech and its Federal Communications Commission (FCC) toadies have used a fraudulent test to license cell phones, wireless technology and now 5G to push a technology that causes catastrophic biological damage.

Tech Titans have us addicted to devices they claimed were safe because these devices, especially 5G, are the vital cornerstone for billionaire data miners and the surveillance state. Totalitarians use this technology to enforce obedience, and Big Data uses it to filch and monetize our information.

Here is the chicanery the FCC and Big Telecom use to con us into believing that our cell phones and wireless devices are safe, for adults and children: The FCC, other governments around the world and Big Telecom use a crash dummy named SAM (Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin). They fill SAM’s plastic head with liquid to test 5G safety.


LINK: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/fcc-big-telecom-fraudulent-test/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=2b9af66c-cba0-4577-b22e-491d5cbe62b0

Image by Andi Graf from Pixabay