Pfizer Headquarters

If the new COVID vaccine is so safe, why has the NZ Govt granted suppliers Pfizer, BioNTech indemnity against claims?

Pfizer recently agreed to a criminal plea to pay $2.3 billion to settle allegations it improperly marketed 13 medicines.

“Pharmaceutical companies often seek indemnities when developing a pandemic vaccine, because of the need to speed up the clinical trial process” says RNZ in their article (link below). This decision for indemnity was actually made in October 2020. Any members of the public required by their employers to take this vaccine, should seek further information about possible side effects. We in NZ have the ‘advantage’ if you could call it that, of seeing any side effects on other nations that have started vaccinating their populations. You can seek to access that information from the respective countries, but particularly, the United States has the VAERS website that lists adverse reactions (bearing in mind only 1% are actually reported). We have to date seen 7844 thousand adverse reactions and 181 deaths. Those stats are in the US. Gibraltar has just seen 53 die following the experimental vaccine. I have also noted media stating when someone has died days or weeks after the vaccine, that the cause of death was not necessarily the vaccine.

Fully informed consent is the very least a member of the public should expect. To not give this is in violation of the Nuremberg Code (further articles here). This vaccine is untested so you the public are the lab rats. In addition total immunity from liability for the manufacturer sends, for me, a very clear message. In plain English it means if you get very sick or even die (as many have) you’re on your own. It also means that your government is on, not your side, but on that of the Pfizer corporation.

You should also know that Pfizer agreed to criminal plea to pay $2.3 billion to settle allegations it improperly marketed 13 medicines.


Photo: Wikipedia

RELATED: (some of the experimental vaccine injuries to date):

4 thoughts on “If the new COVID vaccine is so safe, why has the NZ Govt granted suppliers Pfizer, BioNTech indemnity against claims?”

  1. Hi Pam

    I’m a bit to scared to post online on the FB page in case friends n family who disagree and they then decide to hammer me for asking questions or going against the “what ever they want to call it” plus the post would look like a phone book sized comment.

    I am a single mum of two boys, I’m not against vaccines, I believe in pro choice, education, research, question asking, informed choice and respect for those choices but I do have a couple of questions. You may not be able to or want to answer them and that’s ok, some of this is about me being able to voice it with someone else who isn’t going to call me f’d in the head and an anti-Vaxxer, there are only a couple of people I can voice safely too and we kind of have the same questions.

    So if people take the vaccine and get really ill, have allergic reaction or die etc – Pfizer is not liable for it – this we understand. So if they’re not liable do we as NZ citizens have ACC to fall back on if we are unable to work again, will there be compensation? If work makes it compulsory (I work for an online school as a teacher) and the above happens does that mean they are exempt from damages as we’ve been forced to take it? If we leave our jobs because we are against it, we won’t get government benefit because it will no doubt be in their policies – so many questions.

    I am quite happy to remove my youngest from school and home school him if the government makes it compulsory for schools. My biggest worry is having an income to support my family and pay my mortgage, along with living costs, same with my friends.

    The vaccine isn’t a vaccine but more of a treatment “in case you get symptoms so you don’t get the symptoms that were already not experiencing 😳 mind boggles because apparently my age group of being under 70 means I have a 99.7% recovery rate anyway. This is what we understand.

    We are not prepared to be anyone’s guinea pig and definitely not our children – My boys and I are also Maori so that puts us at the frontline of being first as we are seen as “vulnerable” and we are far from it – I’ve even contemplated in changing all our documentation to NZ European to avoid being first in line – how bad is that thought, that you don’t want to identify because you’ll be identified 😢.

    I understand if you can’t or don’t want to answer, that’s perfectly fine but thank you for reading and kind of listening, I feel a weight being lifted off already. I’ll keep reading and sharing with my 2 friends, both mums like me, work hard n love hard just as equally and not buying into the rubbish that’s been rammed via the mainstream media.

    Scared shitless but most definitely defiant, please continue to keep the content coming.

    Ngā mihi Tania

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Tania you raise questions many are asking. They are big concerns I know for folk who simply wish to support their families & make informed decisions taking into account all of the info. Obviously these are questions to which I cannot give you definitive answers. I’d encourage you to make contact with the respective agencies you mention … do your research & ask those questions of them. Perhaps get your own legal advice given the position you describe that you are in. And medically, you will have seen the MDs speaking & writing who are providing information to assist in informed decision making. Wishing you all the best … (if you wished this to be private let me know & I will do so.)


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