Lipitor – Thief of Memory By Duane Graveline, M.D., M.P.H.

'This Side of Life'

Introduction by Joyce Bowen:

Another Pfizer Pfiasco:

There was a time some MDs were advocating that Statins be infused into condiments in fast-food havens. Statins caused me extreme, 24/7 pain and memory loss. I no longer eat fast food or take any pharmaceutical products. My intellectual recovery has astounded me. My physical recovery has left much to be desired.

Heroes come in many forms. This man is one of mine.

Lipitor – Thief of Memory

By Duane Graveline, M.D., M.P.H.

I “awoke” six hours later in the office of the examining Neurologist with a diagnosis of transient global amnesia, cause unknown. An MRI performed several days later was normal. Since Lipitor was the only new medicine I was taking, the doctor in me suspected a possible side effect of this drug. Despite the arguments of the examining doctors that statin drugs just did not do this, I stopped my Lipitor.

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