What really happened to the fainting Tennessee nurse?

There are rumours the nurse passed away. Amidst the many sources of info here are three. The first video from Trunews is from 22 December 2020, a good start to give you the overall background to the event concerning the fainting health worker. Watch & read all links and draw your own conclusions. EWR

Click on link below the image:


Read the info below the following video at the source. In the video see the death notice, the search for that specific entry now disabled. Further down in the last video, further evidence of this unfortunate woman’s experience:

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Sergeant Major


8088 subscribers

NURSE TIFFANY PONTES DOVER gets Pfizer mRNA Vaccine live on TV on Dec. 17, 2020. She becomes dizzy and faints within 17 minutes of the injection, then “likely” dies during the night while sleeping. She was a mother of two, in great health, and only 30 years old.
Tiffany Pontes Dover FaceBook Tribute Page

Death Records Search only fails using TIFFANY DOVER (give it a try)

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LINK: https://www.bitchute.com/video/as1rvnNFNaQQ/?fbclid=IwAR3QtCHTAXQq1BohytNKWDfaBcMbGQOVajOWEpwVUavn-LfV_KqwsSHLULQ

RELATED: a video highlighting ancestry.com entries about Tiffany. The original from YT disappeared, this replacement is at Bitchute.

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