Operation Warp Speed Reveals COVID Vaccine Distribution Plan by Military: “All of America Must Receive the Vaccine Within 24 Hours” After FDA Fast-track Approval

See where they are taking you. All in plain sight. A blind man could tell you with the events of the past 6 months that a vaccine for an illness that has a zero point zero zero something death rate & a 99 point something rate of survival surely has another agenda. You need to ask yourself why the rush and listen to the many health professionals speaking out (& censored). All this under the recommendation of a man with no health qualification whatsoever & who also stands to make mega bucks from it. All that aside from the real end game. Money is just one of the perks. EWR

LINK: https://vaccineimpact.com/2020/operation-warp-speed-reveals-covid-vaccine-distribution-plan-by-military-all-of-america-must-receive-the-vaccine-within-24-hours-after-fda-fast-track-approval/

Image: DDees.com

Yes the image is frightening but really this is where they are heading. They want us all jabbed, period. Listen to Bill Gates on that one. I’ve no problem with those who want the jab, their choice, but taking away the freedom to choose one’s own health protocols is fascist. The NZ govt has not ruled out mandatory. And besides, there are other roads to that objective as we’ve already heard … no jab no job.