speculation over Jacinda’s deal with the Greens

Waikanae Watch

by Geoffrey Churchman

It was something that many people who switched to voting for the Labour Party last month hoped wouldn’t happen, but it has. Despite Labour being able to govern alone with a small, but still manageable majority in Parliament, a Labour–Greens deal for the new government has been done.

Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson will become an associate housing minister focused on homelessness and gain an entirely new role: Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence. Co-leader James Shaw will keep his position as climate change minister and gain an associate environment portfolio with responsibility for biodiversity.

Are these, in fact, stitch-ups of both for the areas in which Jacinda expected to achieve the least and she will be able blame the Greens for it? Does the deal involve the Greens not criticising anything else the government does or doesn’t do?

Setting up bureaucracies is a…

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2 thoughts on “speculation over Jacinda’s deal with the Greens”

  1. Ardern has possibly done a deal with the Greens for reasons of control. She would rather have them inside the tent than outside.
    The annoying part is the hypocrisy of the Greens and that Shaw appears to do nothing for the high salary and benefits he earns.
    Dome valley land fill – no circular economy there.
    Shredding tyres for incinerators – no reuse there.
    Importing meat products on boats that produce CO2 and consume ‘fossil’ fuels. What!
    Exporting our aquifer water. Dumb.
    It just goes on and on.
    I for one wanted the Greens right out of parliament.

    Liked by 1 person

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