Why are we taking our health advice from two depopulation advocates with eugenicist backgrounds & NO medical qualifications whatsoever?

These two with eugenicist backgrounds have set themselves up as health advisors to the world – not via their expertise backed up by medical degrees … but by their extensive donations to the WHO. They are the second largest donors next to the US of A. Tell me please why that should qualify them to treat us medically? And as we speak they are busily funding the ‘cure’ which according to them must be a vaccine. Please ask yourself why? Why has the establishment suppressed alternative less risky treatments that others have found to work? If you cannot see this duplicity you are blind indeed. If you listen below here to Gates speak you will see they are confidently expecting another wave. Word has it, early August. This is what contacts of mine tell me. Although I personally was expecting one come Sept/Oct anyway. How can we know there’ll be another wave? The end game of Agenda 2030 if you’ve at all been studying their documents right there in plain sight … the end game has always been & still is … global governance, world control. The last round was in my opinion the test run for your compliance. You did really well (in their eyes) so they will be back with round two. Unless folk wake up real soon. (I’ve not linked some of my comments with references today, if you doubt what I say go to the Corbett Report’s YT channel & watch his series of four videos exposing the Gates’ agenda. It’s all there & meticulously researched). EWR