Divide & Conquer Game: The Race-Edition – Switching on cue from Covid-1984 to the next psy-op – Police State America?

The death of George Floyd on May 25th has sketchiness writ large.

The circumstances of his murder suggest he was set-up to be a victim of an occult ritual sacrifice to signal where the Supranational Deep State’s twisty escalation of Covid 19’s ‘Phase II’ was going next and where it had been.

Floyd was brazenly held-down by Minneapolis Police officer, Derek Chauvin, who choked the 46 year-old to death by keeping his knee pressed into Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes 46 seconds. The African American repeatedly pleaded “Please, I can’t breathe,” before becoming motionless, The Jerusalem Post reported – and while predictably – a bystander filmed the horrific scene and four Policemen ignored bystander pleas to cease killing Mr Floyd.

The murdered African-American had evidently paid for a pack of cigarettes at Cup Foods with a counterfeit $20 Fed bill, which led to his fatal encounter with Minneapolis Police, as The New York Times reported in “What Happened in the Chaotic Moments Before George Floyd Died”.

One of the most well-known photos of George Floyd online depict him posing in front of a Corona Light poster. The Corona Virus is known to cause respiratory symptoms. Hence, the occult symbolism. Floyd’s murder appears to have been a staged killing, given his slaying triggered the switch from 2020’s biggest story – Covid-19 – to the next biggest plot-line: Police State America.

