One thought on “Wayback Machine Latest Victim Of Big Tech Consolidation And Censorship”

  1. Nothing is new: I was watching an Eric Dollard video a couple of days ago and he was saying how radio was censored in 1919. I think he said it was RCA who had a virtual monopoly in the US. This was around the time Nikola Tesla was blackballed by the financiers and unable to do any research for the rest of his life. He has since been branded a madman by science after giving us hundreds of patents, many still in use today. Even scientists were forbidden research into electricity under threat of funding withdrawal and this still stands today. Einstein admitted he didn’t have a clue when it came to electricity and today there is no quantum electronics. Believe it or not I’ve traced this kind of thing back to around 1850 and the first electric telegraph and it probably goes back even further.
    The book-burning of history never stopped it just moved to the Internet. If you look at the Malagabay website you will see that history has been twisted out of all recognition, we know nothing of our past. It’s only recently people have started to wake-up to the fact that we are all being robbed blind.

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