Google Drive takes down user’s personal copy of Judy Mikovits’ Plandemic after it was flagged by The Washington Post

“Google is now applying its controversial coronavirus misinformation policies to users’ personal files.”

Kindly Wake The Hell Up

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4 thoughts on “Google Drive takes down user’s personal copy of Judy Mikovits’ Plandemic after it was flagged by The Washington Post”

  1. While it can be convenient to use the cloud for storage, back up any thing that matters to you to your own storage device. I do not trust the various cloud providers to last forever, and if they don’t collapse and disappear with all your files, they could slap a fee on for archived materials – including your cat and gradchildren photos

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    1. Good advice king1394. I must say I’ve never liked that option of storage & not used it either. I guess this instance is about the censorship of private content but then nothing would surprise me now with what is going on.

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  2. The safest way to store data is to get a cheap hard drive from Ebay and a caddy to put it in. Store all your data on it and only use it when disconnected from the Web. It’s so easy even I can do it.
    For about a week now I’ve had a Google add on my phone for some kind of upgrade to my “Chat”. I never install these things but this one is persistent, it makes it awkward to text and you can’t get shot of it. I don’t use my phone much and it sits on a table for most of the time. It’s almost impossible for the average person to remove Google from a mobile phone, I’ve tried. Google owns your phone.

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