California Doctors Say Suicide Deaths Exceed Coronavirus Fatalities

So very very sad. Lives ended so tragically. NZ’s suicide stats have also gone up. I’ve read figures of over 65 so far but no verification as yet. Sadly they will all leave behind their own set of tragic aftermaths to their loved ones. Meanwhile the billionaires just get richer. The money we stress over, they make it out of thin air* (see important info below article). Don’t stress & take your precious life, their economic collapses are by design. They control you by fear. Please read our money/banking pages. It is all a scam. EWR


A California doctor says he has seen a year’s worth of suicides in the last four weeks of lockdown.

More people reportedly died of suicide in one Tennessee county than from coronavirus across the whole state.

A spokesperson for the Well Being Trust in Oakland, CA issued a report that predicts up to 75,000 deaths from drug or alcohol abuse and suicide directly caused by lockdowns due to the coronavirus.  Fear, dread and isolation are the words used to describe these deaths of despair.  Fear of unemployment, no future, forced vaccination, have caused many to give up hope.  This report emanates from California where the governor just prolonged the forced lockdown another 90 days.


* Below the video at the link note the info:

“This stunning news clip from New Zealand TV station ‘Seven Sharp’ confirms the revelations shared by ‘The Money Masters’ and other such pioneering thinkers and researchers who have long sought to bring forward the truth about how money works. The is as stunning as it is simple: whenever you apply for a loan or a mortgage THE BANK YOU APPLIED TO CREATES THE MONEY OUT OF NOTHING. It is not lent to you from the banks’ holdings, it is not borrowed from other accounts. It simply is entered into a bank account digitally and from that day forth you are contractually responsible for paying back the created money PLUS all the interest that accrues. This fiat currency is destroying the confidence, trust, and agreements that we hold with one another and with merchants on a daily basis by corrupting the medium of exchange that we all collectively agree to use.

Many will go on to expound the details of promissory notes, double entry bookkeeping and all sorts of other confusing details, but it is essential that this video or the source for it at Seven Sharp should be shared with every one you know. Please, take 5 minutes now to share this video and explain why it is so important that everyone knows that the banks are hoodwinking the people and it does not need to be this way any more. For more on how we can achieve a fair financial policy of interest-free currency, see the Writ of Mandamus article here”.

And below, a comment:

“The gentleman in this video neglected to explain one important fact on fractional banking  and creating money out of thin air. Did you notice the gentleman when explaining how it works neglected to say what the bank does with 50K down payment? They in turn take that money and loan it out again up to twelve more times at interest and then those banks that received these loans as deposits then in turn loan the funds out another 12 times and it keeps repeating itself. If this not a Ponzi scheme then I will never know what Ponzi will ever be. The original down payment paid by Harry Homeowner will have over a thirty year period probably paid the original loan off after ten years by the way they create additional loans  at interest out of thin air. This is how the fractional money system robs the people of their real wealth by making them pay money and interest they the banks never had to start with , just by the 50K that Harry homeowner had to start with. This is the real wealth thievery in this game. Harry homeowner’s 50 K represents his real wealth that was produced by his labor and stolen by the Central banks and the Federal Reserve.”

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

7 thoughts on “California Doctors Say Suicide Deaths Exceed Coronavirus Fatalities”

  1. I’m intrigued by your comment about banks creating money out of thin air – just wondering if you belong to either Positive Money NZ or Social Credit. I happen to belong to both, and we’re embarking on a social media/letter writing campaign to pressure Grant Robertson to ask the Reserve Bank to issue money directly into the economy to increase support for the hundreds of thousands of Kiwis that face homelessness and literal starvation as the economy tanks due to the lockdown.

    Journalists seem to have caught on now that this is probably the best option (rather than increasing debt) to guarantee that unemployed people have a safety net. They seem to be asking Robertson on a weekly basis if he’s going to do it and he keeps saying he’s unwilling to discuss it.

    Adrian Orr (the Reserve Bank governor) told the Finance and Expenditure Committee last week that all Treasury need to do is ask and the Reserve Bank will issue money to cover government fiscal expenditures. (They did it before in 1936 during the Great Depression).

    Your thoughts about this issue?


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