What contact tracing looks like in the US – one family’s disturbing story

From technocracy.news

When an unskilled, $17/hour “contact tracer” shows up on your doorstep, how will you respond? Will he or she be able to wreck your life in a few short minutes? Follow the saga of Henry Kron and his family.

Be sure to see all the headlines and the video at the end of the story! There’s more. Much more. That’s why it’s “to be continued…” ⁃ TN Editor

Henry Kron and his wife Helen had just enjoyed a family dinner time with their two pre-teen daughters, Leanne and Elise. Henry headed to the coat closet to get the girls’ favorite board game off the top shelf.

He had promised that this would be “game night” and they were all looking forward to it.

Actually, life was just starting to look good again after the extended lockdown during the global pandemic. That one had cost Henry his last job and finding a new job was next to impossible with 40 million other Americans out of work at the same time.

In fact, the lack of income for several months left them unable to make their house payment for two months in row. They came within an inch of being foreclosed. Their retirement fund wasn’t large, but it took the whole thing just to get caught up.

With a lot of hard work and a bit of luck, Henry had finally landed a good job. Even though he would be on probation for the first 90 days, he was determined to do whatever it would take to keep the job.

Just as they decided who would get to roll the dice to start the game, the doorbell rang.

Henry went to the door thinking “Who would call on us at this time of the evening?” He certainly was not expecting anyone.

As he opened the door, there stood a soldier in a crisp, clean fatigue uniform.

“Mr. Kron?” he asked.

“Yes,” replied Henry, “is something going on in the neighborhood?”

“No, sir,” he replied, “I am here to give you and your family a coronavirus test because we received a report that you have unknowingly been exposed to someone who actually had the virus.”




Photo: technocracy.news

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