A former UK Supreme Court judge says lockdown is destroying lives & self isolation should be a personal decision, not mandatory

Lord Sumption a former Supreme Court judge speaks out saying life will never be without risks & we should all be making our own decisions about whether or not to self isolate … at last, some common sense to add to that of all the health professionals who’ve been silenced! Or censored! EWR

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Alternative news. C BOYLE
Photo: BBC screenshot

7 thoughts on “A former UK Supreme Court judge says lockdown is destroying lives & self isolation should be a personal decision, not mandatory”

  1. Drip dripping away our freedom via a bunch of drips who are too stupid to realise that it includes them. Every civilisation has had or needs in the future a rule of law and some kind of police force to enforce it. The law we share with many countries has been scrutinised for a thousand years and found to be not too bad. Anything that replaces it is going to cause big problems. What possible reason could there be to ride roughshod all over it as some judges are doing?
    Watching an RT program the other day someone said, “…are they afraid?” “Is there some dark evil force hovering above them?”. This is what I’ve been thinking.

    Liked by 2 people

        1. on 5-G ….

          9:30 min. mark –

          ” … and you know New York Times, for example, it has a
          partnership with Verizon it has a corporate partnership with Verizon so it
          ran a series of articles last year
          claiming that Russian Russia was sort of covertly stirring up opposition to 5g in
          the u.s. who would have an interest in the proliferation of 5g in the US.”

          Liked by 1 person

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