Life Hacks: Smoothie Secrets and My Best CLEAN Smoothie Recipes


  1. Orange: for immunity
  2. Green: for strength 
  3. Purple: for cleansing

If you have been reading my blog recently, you know that I did a fast and made a bunch of fruit- and vegetable-based smoothies with varying degrees of success.

Now I wanted to share with you the recipes for some good ones I made and point out their health benefits. Fruit, yes has sugar, but it also has fiber and other stuff. I include vegetables and fats in all of these for a balance that will leave you sated for awhile.

I have been working on three and then an “Everything” version.

First, I will offer some tips to make smoothie making super easy!

I, for one, get up at 5:45 am and race out the door with my smoothie in one hand and my coffee in the other at 6:30 am. My morning routine amounts to: get out of the…

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