The anticancer health benefits of kale

(NaturalHealth365) Skeptics question, “is kale really that good for you?” With a resounding “yes,” the health benefits of kale would surprise most people.

In fact, if you did a search at the American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen or any other conventional resource (online) – you’ll find nothing much about the real value of kale.  Doesn’t that make you wonder, why?

You see, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts have long been studied for their anticancer compounds.  And, kale – which is a cruciferous vegetable – offers many health benefits, putting it at the top of the list as a potent anticancer food.

Clinically proven to offer widespread immunoregulartory effects, kale contains a myriad of compounds that have been shown to help stop the conversion of certain lesions to cancerous cells. As a result of these combined compounds, kale has been shown to prevent and fight against cancers such as breast, prostate, oral, colorectal, kidney and esophageal.


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