Hear about an MD-acknowledged vaccine injury to a once fit healthy father now in pain 24/7 who can only walk 200 yards a day… (Tdap required for his job)

This man, a former fire fighter, husband & father who moved his family & embarked on another career was required to have the Tdap vaccine. He says that after the following injury & throughout the initial emergency visits at the hospital, his condition would not be acknowledged by medical staff as being due to the vaccine even although it came hours after it. There was continual assertion by MDs that it was a ‘coincidence’ however … eventually he received written acknowledgment that it was in fact a reaction to the vaccine. This man has head and neck pain 24/7. One side of his body burns 24/7, the other side is numb. He can walk only 200 yards in a day, on a good day a little more. Formerly very active most of his days, he is now required to use a walking stick to walk and to sit most of the day. A complete tragedy would be an understatement. EWR