Large quantities of 1080 are buried in landfills in various places throughout NZ… no warning/info given to the public

BEN VIDGEN -- The Consulting 'Oartistic' Dyslexic Detective.

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Look at this! The hazardous substance on a truck ready for shipment! Note: no hazardous labels & stuff is in large polyprop bags like wool stored in. Not drums – i estimate 30 – 40 tons on truck so imagine the volume or area taken up by 10,000 tons – plus this is the stuff they have packaged wearing protective gear etc – the rest will just be in big piles in shef.” From some one trained in handling hazardous material.

Civil defence in contrast is saying even if a gas reaction occurred, he was confident a 500m cordon — already in place as part of the response to rising flood waters — would keep people safe from any gas which was released into the air. The river itself was also running so high that any ouvea premix released into the water would be diluted to the point it…

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