Stunning admissions from WHO’s Vaccine Safety Summit – ‘Doctors are lucky if they get half a day’s instruction on vaccines at Med school’ (MUST WATCH live footage – Del Bigtree)

Absolutely stunning admissions by WHO professionals. Those folk we’re directed to by the ‘fact checkers’ each time we post some truth on the lack of safety of vaccines, or truth according to the parents of vaccine injured children. Innocents taken down by the slack standards of a crowd who profess to have our best interests at heart. For starters we hear that since the ’80s injuries are up from 12.8% to an incredible 54%!! And they have the nerve to tell us the science is settled. It is NOT settled & is clearly illustrated here straight from their OWN MOUTHS!

The director of their Vaccine Confidence Project ADMITS that their biggest problem in our hesitancy is vaccine SAFETY!  Next up they are seeing that the PROFESSIONALS (ie Doctors and nurses) are starting to wobble on vaccine safety. They’re losing confidence in safety! They ADMIT Doctors only get half a day’s education on vaccines at med school … get this … IF THEY’RE LUCKY! Not good enough. They’re losing confidence that they can reply to mothers’ questions. So your questioning parents is paying off. They are noticing the gap that you’ve been seeing all along, that your gut’s been telling you whilst they brush your baby’s reaction or even death off as ‘coincidence’. Coincidence is not cutting it any more. There is much more, read the notes below the video & please do watch these so called ‘professionals’ as they blunder through this ridiculous conference devoted to safety. What a farce. Thanks Del Bigtree for exposing the detail on vaccine ‘safety’. EWR

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This 56-minute video is condensed from Highwire for easy sharing with your state Representatives, Senators, and US Congressmen and women. Markers are below for skipping ahead. Thank you to Highwire for exposing this conference! Please become a $20/month ICAN supporter:
2:00 Dr. Heidi Larson, PhD, Director of the Vaccine Confidence Project says the biggest factor in vaccine hesitancy is vaccine safety.
4:26 Dr. Larson: doctors and nurses are “very wobbly” and “starting to question the safety of vaccines,” and it’s a “huge problem.”
6:20 Dr. Larson: doctors don’t have confidence in vaccine safety to stand up to mothers asking questions. Doctors only got a “half day of vaccine instruction in medical school.” 8:06 Dr. Larson: the WHO’s issue with social media is not vaccine “misinformation,” but that the information “seeds doubt.”
10:24 Dr. Larson admits that global health replaced natural immunity with dependence on vaccine-induced immunity on the “assumption that populations would cooperate.” People got the 6 vaccines in the 1960s-1980s, but now it’s a problem. But since they got the world dependent on vaccines, global health has no choice but to continue pushing vaccines.
13:10 Dr. Larson: there is a lot of safety science needed, they can’t keep repurposing old science that isn’t relevant to the new problem that vaccines are causing.
16:04 Dr. Marion Gruber, FDA, admits that vaccines NEED to have safety monitoring specifically tailored to the one vaccine under consideration. Risk management plans WILL NEED to take into account all of the safety evidence they have. (These safety measures do not exist.)
19:40 Dr. Martin Howell Friede, WHO, cautions vaccine makers against using adjuvants because they cause adverse events. If makers must use an adjuvant, they should use an old one with a “history” (that allows the vaccine maker to say the adverse event wasn’t the adjuvant). The new adjuvants will be accused of causing adverse events, but there will be no new vaccines without adjuvants. His solution is to build confidence, not make them safer.
25:15 Professor Stephen Evans says “It seems that adjuvants multiply the immunogenicity of the antigens they’re added to; they multiply the reactogenicity, so it’s not unexpected they multiply the adverse reactions. Is my thinking is correct?”
27:22 Dr. Friede: the “major health concerns they see are the long term effects of vaccines,” not the sore knot on your arm. Adjuvants act differently with every antigen, and impurities. We need larger studies and we need to measure the appropriate things. 31:28 Dr. Friede: it’s necessary that we figure out how adjuvants work so they can start to assess how plausible it is that adjuvants are causing the major health concerns.
31:38 Dr. David Kaslow, Center for Vaccine Innovation and Access admits that they do their studies on very small groups of people. Says that “one of the things they need to invest in” are better biomarkers and mechanistic understanding of how adjuvants work so they can understand the adverse events.
32:25 Dr. Gruber: one issue that complicates the safety evaluation is the length of follow-up because the longer you study the group, the more “coincidental” adverse events pop up. Giving adjuvants to the elderly may do nothing, but be reactive in younger people. 38:13 Dr. Kaslow: “Coming down the pike relatively quickly is a new target population for us in vaccines: maternal immunization. We don’t have a strong pharmaco-epidemiologic baseline in that target population to say ‘is this an expected adverse event due to pregnancy, or is this the vaccine?’ We need an investment in that study so we don’t derail our pregnancy vaccines as they go into low-resource settings.”
40:07 CDC ACIP meeting vaccinating pregnant women is “off-label.”
41:24 The FDA admitted they have no studies about vaccines and pregnancy.
41:55 Nigerian doctor asks if there are any safety studies on injecting multiple vaccines, from multiple makers, with multiple adjuvants, into a child at once.
44:12 ACIP meeting, the CDC admits they have no data on injecting multiple adjuvants at once, but they recommend it anyway, in different limbs.
45:22 Dr. Robert Chen admits no, they don’t have data on injecting multiple adjuvants at this time, they need to link databases together to “start to answer these types of questions.”
50:01 Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist with the WHO, says in a commercial that vaccine safety tracking is robust, and examining the data lets them promptly address problems. They are “thoroughly monitored.”
52:40 Dr. Swaminathan in the WHO meeting, admits, “We really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems in many countries. We can’t give answers about the deaths. We need to put mechanisms in place to monitor what’s going on. With many drugs, we only learn about adverse events after they are introduced to the populations.”

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