Watch health professionals apply CPR to an infant immediately after injecting her with 3 vaccines … sadly she dies (Philippines)

“Meanwhile, in the Philippines, this infant received 3 vaccines and now they are doing CPR on the child.”  The baby died.

The deepest condolences to these parents. Absolutely heartbreaking. Watch the video of the medical staff trying to revive the little one they just minutes before injected with three vaccines. Safe? Really? (Note the video is currently pinned to the top of the Rangitikei FB page & you will only be able to view it if you are a FB member.  You will also have to ‘uncover’ it as they have protected you from seeing the ‘violent or graphic content’ … the violence of the staff trying to revive a little one killed with their violent medical procedure). And no disrespect to this dear family who lost their precious baby … I am sure they have posted it as a warning to others. I am re posting it for the same reason.

If you watch Vaxxed testimonies on Youtube you will find many many more examples like this one. Perfectly healthy babies gone for their wellness checks & immunisation only to end up disabled or dead.

The risks for vaccine injury are 1 in 39 and the pharmaceutical companies are exempted from liability. These are frequently explained away as mere coincidence. Heartbreaking reports from parents indicate this may occur minutes, hours or days after the vaccine. Any parent’s worst nightmare. I had a conversation recently with a mother whose baby began to seizure 15 minutes after a vaccine was administered. A vaccine she did not want due to a previous reaction, however she was threatened with child protection services and did not want to lose her child. She had no come back, attempts by her to complain about these health professionals were met with brick walls. This was NZ too.


A 2010 study via US Dept Health & Human Svces revealed one out of every 39 children vaccinated with government-mandated vaccines suffers serious injuries