Putin on Greta Thunberg’s speech to UN …”When somebody uses children and teenagers in their own interests it deserves to be condemned”

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Russian President Vladimir Putin says he doesn’t “share everyone’s enthusiasm about Greta Thunberg’s speech” at the UN.

“…Vladimir Putin says he does not “share everyone’s enthusiasm” about Greta Thunberg…” Vladmir Putin


by Eric Worrall

h/t Breitbart; President Vladimir Putin has dismissed Greta Thunberg’s climate crusade, suggesting she has no idea of the cost of what she is demanding.

“I may disappoint you but I do not share everyone’s enthusiasm about Greta Thunberg’s speech [to the UN]. You know, the fact that young people, teenagers pay attention to the acute problems of the modern world, including ecology. That is right and very good. We need to support them. But when somebody uses children and teenagers in their own interests it deserves to be condemned.
