No climate emergency for polar bears or walrus means no climate emergency period

Iowa Climate Science Education

Reposted from Polar Bear Science

Posted on September 23, 2019 |

We are told the Arctic is warming twice as fast as anywhere else in the world, yet as the internet reverberates with shrill, almost-the-lowest-ice-extent-ever stories, polar bears, Pacific walrus, and the most common ice seal species (ringed and bearded seals, as well as harp seals), are all thriving. Two new videos published by the GWPF on polar bears and walrus confront this conundrum and the conclusion is clear: if there is no climate emergency for polar bears, there is no climate emergency anywhere.

Polar bears have survived several periods of less ice than there is now as well as periods with more ice. Most ice seal species and walrus, which have existed in the Arctic much longer than polar bears, have lived through many of these extreme sea ice cycles. The low ice

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3 thoughts on “No climate emergency for polar bears or walrus means no climate emergency period”

  1. Interesting story for you. My daughter (age 11) came home from school a couple of weeks back, and she told me they’d been learning all about the plight of the Polar Bears and how terrible climate change is for them. She knows my perspective on the climate change scenario so was looking for my response. I told her that I didn’t believe Polar Bears were in any danger, but that she should use her own powers of research and lookup some data online. She came back to me half an hour later grinning. “You were right Dad. Polar Bears are increasing in numbers and have plenty to eat. My teachers were wrong!”. I could see the sense of knowledge and empowerment in her eyes. Never take what one is told for granted. Think for your self and research the facts and data!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awesome Martin. For a minute I thought you were going to say she’d found some of the info that comes up first confirming the lies. Plenty of that in the searches
      Smart girl 🙂


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