Farmers who use biosolids are NOT required to tell anyone – their land is being polluted in SECRET

National Addiction News

One would think that with so many lingering and unanswered questions about the safety of “biosludge” that regulatory authorities would, at the very least, require farmers who use the stuff to provide full, public disclosure in the interest of public safety. But unfortunately this isn’t the case.

According to biosludge truth activist Craig Monk, a local resident of Midlothian, Texas, near Dallas-Fort Worth, farmers and others who apply biosludge to their land are currently not required by laws to disclose this fact – even when their use of biosludge has the very real potential to negatively impact their neighbors.

This lack of transparency has created an ongoing nightmare in Monk’s local community, where biosludge odor and residue is negatively affecting people’s homes and personal property. And because biosludge users are apparently given preferential legal treatment, there’s been very little they can do to stop this toxic onslaught.

“Farmers are not…

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