Top Scientists’ Lab Shut Down Following Bombshell Vaccine Discovery

Serious times. Dr Tenpenny is also being heavily censored. This should be ringing very loud alarm bells for those who ascribe to the alleged safety of vaccines.

Nwo Report

World renowned scientists have their lab shutdown after making bombshell vaccine discovery

Police have raided the laboratory of two world renowned scientists who recently discovered evidence of nanoparticles polluting nearly every major vaccine. 

Dr. Antonietta Gatti and her husband Dr. Stefano Montanari founded an Italian laboratory called Nano-diagnostics for the evaluation of the pathological tissues of patients. reports: Recently, the Italian police raided their home, the police took all  digital assets that were owned by the the two nanopathologists, including laptops, computers, and flash-drives, basically years of work and research.

James Grundvig via the World Mercury Project describes what happened quite well:

“Because Gatti and Montanari had taken their research of nanodust and nanoparticles, from in-vivo (performed in a living organism) and in-vitro (performed in a test tube) to what unseen contamination might reside in vaccines in 2016, they came under the microscope of the United States, European, and Italian authorities. They had touched the third rail of medicine. They had crossed the no-go…

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