36 children died and more than 1,700 were injured in a “clinical trial” of the Infanrix Hexa vaccine in 2009

From realnewsaustralia.com

by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM
Originally Posted at Vaxxter.com

“The first vaccine they thoroughly tested was Infanrix Hexa – a six-in-one vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) that is *supposed* to contain the following antigens: tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis toxoids; inactivated poliomyelitis viral strains 1-2-3; and hepatitis B surface antigen. Shockingly, Corvelva found NONE of these antigens in the vaccine, meaning, that NO antibodies to the intended antigens will be created.” (from the article)

I’ve been saying for YEARS that we need to raise $50k to have every vaccine tested to see what is REALLY coming through that needle. This clearly came into focus for me in 2009, with the H1N1 “Swine flu” fiasco. So many people were injured and a big spike in miscarriages and stillbirths was reported. I started asking loudly: “What’s IN that stuff? We should test those vials”  

Well, it’s finally happening.

With the onset of government vaccine mandates, which suddenly required Italian children to be injected with 11 vaccines to attend school, the Italians are fighting back. First, they voted out the government that pushed for the mandates calling their movement #GovenmentofChange. Then on December 4, the new Italian health minister kicked out all 30 members of the health policy advisory board.

On December 13, Corvelva, a scientific research group, announced it had received €10,000 (US$11,350) from the Italian National Order of Biologists with plans to use the money to test the contents of every vaccine currently on the market. The result of their first test was released on December 16, and the report is a doozie.

You certainly won’t hear this in the MSM.

The first vaccine they thoroughly tested was Infanrix Hexa – a six-in-one vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) that is *supposed* to contain the following antigens: tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis toxoids; inactivated poliomyelitis viral strains 1-2-3; and hepatitis B surface antigen. Shockingly, Corvelva found NONE of these antigens in the vaccine, meaning, that NO antibodies to the intended antigens will be created.

And it gets worse. In addition to no vaccine antigens, they found the following:

  • traces of 65 chemical cross-contaminants from other manufacturing lines;
  • chemical toxins;
  • unrecognizable macromolecules;
  • various free bacterial peptides that are potential allergens and are capable of inducing autoimmune reactions.

These findings could bring justice to parents who lost their children in 2009 when 36 children died and more than 1,700 were injured in a “clinical trial” – the nice name for human experimentation.

I suspect that as they continue to test each of the vaccines in the childhood schedule, they will find metallic compounds, nanotechnology and a long list of chemical contaminants. At some point, the work previously published by the Gattis’ will be vindicated. I wrote about their shocking findings in a previous article that you can find here.

Infanrix Hexa is used widely in the international market. The vaccine is all risk and literally no benefit. Its use should be stopped immediately, pending future investigation. If their testing continues to reveal ever more inconsistencies, GSK could be in serious legal problems for inappropriate labelling, poor manufacturing processes and perhaps even charged with murder.



Photo: realnewsaustralia.com

37 thoughts on “36 children died and more than 1,700 were injured in a “clinical trial” of the Infanrix Hexa vaccine in 2009”

  1. I suggest those manufacturing vaccines and making money off this be the Guinea pigs. Let’s see how they would then welcome all these vaccinations. How many vaccinations would they accept?


  2. I suggest those manufacturing vaccines and making money off this be the Guinea pigs. Let’s see how they would then welcome all these vaccinations. How many vaccinations would they accept?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Vaccines are the greatest medical fraud ever conceived, and this article reinforces that point. The medical profession can no longer be trusted, it has been hijacked by a completely corrupt, ruthless, and irresponsible industry.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I find the more I read and research the more it is incomprehensible that we have allowed Pharmaceutical companies to take over our Government and Healthcare systems, all in the name of profit. Marketing, as well as fudged data and missing trial results have parents happily lining up with their precious babies…

    Liked by 4 people

  5. I was damaged by the flu vaccine in 2012 I developed paralysis from inflammation in the spinal cord
    Drs are in denial as to what caused my injury saying without proof that I have neurosarcoidosis despite at least four mri’s and 5 lumber punctures

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG Mary. Do you still have paralysis? That is awful 😦 That vaccine is a very big scam by reports I’ve read. May I ask what country you are in Mary?


  6. Mass hysteria is setting in, sadly.
    There is no such thing as “Herd Immunity”. But sadly Herd Mentality is a very real thing. How are we going to deal with this, as they silence the voices of reason, and censor information?

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Re the H1N1 vaccine in 09; Merkel and the German elite took a different vaccine, at which point the hoax was up, and nothing more was heard from the WHO which had been behind the global flu pandemic that wasn’t.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. For the life of me I cannot understand why people have bought in to the entire vaccine fraudulent campaign. This is such a heated topic and people it comes irate anti-vaxxers comes out it doesn’t make sense.

    Masters have managed cheap rain wash billions of people auntie believing the vaccines save lives.

    People are so manipulative if they’re literally begging the government to mandate these poison an authorized the government and corporations to dictate what choices we make with our individual bodies.

    It’s mind-boggling and frightening. And people are so far gone into believing vaccines are good that it’s virtually impossible to induce any skepticism what criticism of vaccines


  9. For the life of me I cannot understand why people have bought in to the entire vaccine fraudulent campaign. This is such a heated topic and people it comes irate anti-vaxxers comes out it doesn’t make sense.

    Masters have managed cheap rain wash billions of people auntie believing the vaccines save lives.

    People are so manipulative if they’re literally begging the government to mandate these poison an authorized the government and corporations to dictate what choices we make with our individual bodies.

    It’s mind-boggling and frightening. And people are so far gone into believing vaccines are good that it’s virtually impossible to induce any skepticism what criticism of vaccines


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