The NZ Govt is teaching your child that Class 1A ecotoxin 1080, banned by most countries, is ‘not very dangerous to humans’

Note: As your kids head back to school, keep an eye out for the poison propaganda. IMO it is not acceptable to send an official text book message to young children that a class 1A ecotoxin, classed by WHO as ‘highly hazardous’, is not very dangerous to humans. There is no antidote to this poison & it is frequently found lying around for weeks on end after aerial drops.  (21/1/2019)

Over all, this item featuring a Year 10 Science book & its fairly ho hum description of the toxicity of 1080, appears to be normalizing the use of poisons.

Dr Meriel Watts says about 1080 poison:

“1080 is classed by the World Health Organisation as an Extremely Hazardous pesticide (Class 1a WHO). You may not be aware that as such it falls within the category of Highly Hazardous Pesticides for which the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) is seeking a global phase out.

Image & info supplied by Carol Sawyer

There is no antidote for 1080. Poisoned  by it, you have no hope of being saved. However, our esteemed authorities in higher places have seen fit to describe it to our children as not very dangerous to humans. Wherever you stand on the use of 1080, be it for or against, I would still call such a description of an acutely toxic poison for your children’s information, highly irresponsible.


This is from Science Plus, Book 2, Year 10. Why is the government allowed to teach our children lies?

Read the data on 1080 straight from the manufacturer’s info:

Priority Identifiers – Danger. Deadly Poison. Keep out of reach of
children. Ecotoxic.
Secondary Identifiers – Acutely toxic. May be fatal if swallowed,
inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Repeated oral exposure may
cause reproductive or developmental damage. When handling open
containers or baits, wear protective equipment as indicated below.
Toxic to terrestrial vertebrates. Take measures to reduce the risk of nontarget
animals being exposed to the toxin either through eating baits or
by scavenging the carcasses of poisoned animals. Harmful to aquatic
organisms. Manage bait application rates carefully and comply with any
restrictions imposed on placing baits over or near waterways. Avoid
pollution of any water supply with pellets or used container.


0.04% – 0.1% 6.1C (Packaging Group III)
0.15% – 0.2% 6.1B (Packaging Group II)
Deadly Poison. Subject to tracking requirements for individual packs.
Available for purchase and use only by holders of Controlled
Substances Licenses. This substance must be under the control of an
Approved Handler for Class 6 and Class 9 Hazardous substances at all
times unless being transported by a transport operator with a Dangerous
Goods License endorsement.   SOURCE: Orillion Safety Data Sheet

1080 is NOT a natural substance.. it is a synthetic poison, a World Health Organisation Class 1A ecotoxin, banned in most countries. It is extremely dangerous to humans. One standard teaspoon of pure 1080 poison can kill 100 grown men. One 1080 bait (0.15% pure poison) can kill a child.

Over all, the use of poisons appears to be becoming very normalized. Videos like this below certainly illustrate that.

I read an article yesterday by Geoff Booth, a Kiwi and a B.Sc. who worked for a long time in pest eradication using poisons including 1080 & with DoC, so is very knowledgeable in the use of 1080. He said the US manufacturers are dismayed at the way we in NZ use 1080, in a totally opposite way to the labelled recommendations, ie it is ‘chucked around in a veritable lollie scramble in the bush from helicopters’.

Those of us who have lived more than 50 years on the planet know that there was little mention of poison in our childhoods. If you personally think it’s fine for our kids, you need to read Dr Meriel Watts’ book, Poisoning Our Future: Children and Pesticides.

Poisoning Our Future small

“Poisoning Our Future: Children and Pesticides” The book details the scientific evidence for the insidious effects of pesticides on children and calls on government institutions to adopt a more precautionary approach to better protect human health and the environment.

Toxic chemicals such as pesticides pollute our surroundings – from the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe in our homes, farms, communities, at schools and work and even our own bodies. Children are exposed to these pesticides and are very much vulnerable to the negative health effects of these harmful chemicals. Yet, governments and industry overlook these impacts on children’s health despite the availability of safer alternatives to pesticides.

According to Pesticide Action Network Aoteoroa New Zealand author, Dr Meriel Watts, “Children are not little adults. The activities they do make them more prone to accumulate pesticides in their bodies; and their developing bodies make them more prone to the negative effects of toxic chemicals such as pesticides. Yet government regulatory processes and tests do not look into these effects,” according to Dr Meriel Watts, author of the book. Tests used to approve use of pesticides do not look into endocrine disruption which can impact the physical, intellectual and behavioural development of the foetus and young child. The effects can include ADHD and autism and even conditions like obesity and breast cancer that can show up later in life in what is now referred to as the “foetal origins of adult disease”. Some childhood cancers like leukaemia have been linked to the exposure of parents to pesticides. Highly hazardous pesticides also damage the developing immune, nervous and reproductive systems.


If you’ve been reading our articles for a while you’d be aware of photographs featuring children with their parents finding baits all over walking tracks. Here is one from the South Island recently posted by Carol Sawyer. You can read the full article here.

School holidays & children with 1080 baits in the Timaru Creek aerial 1080 drop zone July 2018  Photo: supplied

For further articles on 1080 use the ‘categories’ drop down box at the left of the news page. Check out the 1080 pages at the main menu, particularly the sub tab, ‘suspected 1080 poisoning cases’. Educate yourself on the risks & protect your children. Read them the data safety sheets in a child friendly manner. Discuss the risks & caution them never to touch the 1080 baits.

Finally, remember what the retired MD Charlie Baycroft said recently … ‘if you die from 1080 poisoning, nobody will know  because the Ministry of Health is bullying NZ Doctors into not testing for 1080′. 


(1) A week after writing this, a Facebook post describes a child in the family announcing “they had someone from DOC come into school and give a big talk about conservation and the need for 1080”. Better to get proactive then parents & have a chat with your child’s school about your preferences around what they learn on the poison topic.

(2) Someone has emailed the Poisons Centre on topic:

Kia ora,

Thank you for your email regarding high school science text books. The National Poison Centre is an emergency service that provides emergency first aid and treatment advice over the phone. We are not involved in legislation, lobbying, or teaching of science in education facilities.

I would recommend continuing to contact the Ministry of Education, or if unsuccessful contacting your local Member of Parliament to liase with Ministry on your behalf.

Nāku nā
Yvette Millard
Yvette Millard, BSc., MSc (Otago) Nat Dip Amb Pract (L5)
Poisons Information Specialist
National Poisons Centre / Te Pokapū Mātauranga Tāoke
University of Otago
P.O. Box 913
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Poison advice (NZ): ‪0800 764766‬ (0800 POISON)
Poison advice (World): ‪+ 64 3 4797248‬
Admin: ‪+ 64 3 4797227‬
Fax: ‪+ 64 3 4770509‬
Health professionals: ‪
Parents and caregivers: ‪

Good morning,

I am very concerned after viewing a year 10 science text book on an anti poison social media page  The information within the text book is incorrect and highly dangerous, to elude that one of the worlds deadliest poisons, Compound 1080 with no known antidote, ‘is not that poisonous to humans’ is ludicrous and downright evil.

How are children meant to know any different about the dangers of this poison if this is what they are taught at schools in New Zealand!!

This textbook information directly contradicts the manufacturers warning label & manufacturers data sheet:

Deadly poison. Keep out of reach of children
Avoid all waterways.
Deadly to aquatic life.
Will decompose at temperatures over 200 degrees.
Avoid secondary poisoning.
Poisoned carcasses should be burned completely or buried deeply at hazardous waste landfill

Please alert the Ministry of Education to this terrible error! I have already emailed them with no success to have this textbook removed from the curriculum.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,








5 thoughts on “The NZ Govt is teaching your child that Class 1A ecotoxin 1080, banned by most countries, is ‘not very dangerous to humans’”

  1. Reblogged this on ecoliberty and commented:
    The Indoctrination in New Zealand is here. The NZ govt is now teaching child about 1080 (Sodium fluoroacetate ) If fact a teaspoon of 1080 is enough to kill over a 100 people. If know something toxic you would want to keep you children away from it so they don’t either get sick or die from it. You would not certainly teach or mislead your children; telling that 1080 is safe; in fact it’s not. If person thinks 1080 is safe; they’re more than screwed over; they’re mislead about the danger of 1080 poison.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Many years ago a Workmate told me “ If you want to want to change the World , you ‘Educate the Young’, and they will grow up and do it for you “. He grew up in Germany in 1930’s and saw how Hitler tried to Brainwash People with his Beliefs .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Interesting Murray. Especially re Hitler as it turned out he was very successful. Explains too the crack down we’re seeing on home schooling in various places.


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