Unapproved Genetically Modified Wheat Found In Canada

They’ve pulled the wool on us with GE. In NZ they grew GE corn around 2000 some may not know. Helen Clarke at the time ordered the crops be pulled up but they stayed right to harvest thanks to no doubt a bit of corporate persuasion at the time so who knows how many of our natural crops were cross contaminated by this poison? And if you didn’t know our supermarket ‘food’ is now chock full of gm items in the form of soy & corn, all unlabeled of course (because hang, who needs to know what’s in their food?). Experts (independent from industry) tell us most of the corn & soy is GM. Now we have recently approved GE spuds and a market gardener told me just last week they were trialling those years ago anyway in the Wairarapa I believe it was he said. Anyone who follows this blog must know by now the corporations lie to us & have no qualms whatsoever about that. It’s the nature of psychopaths & if you think that’s an extreme statement to be making about those who are entrusted with our food supply’s safety, please do go to our Corporations page and watch ‘The Corporation’. The nature of corporations is exposed quite clearly in that. You will be very surprized & a lot of dots will join for you. And, the purpose of this blog is to watch corporations. They are running the world, the long arm of the (so called by US presidents, all documented) ‘new world order.’   EnvirowatchRangitikei

Openhearted Rebellion

via Natural Blaze

June 15, 2018. Halifax – The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has announced the discovery of unapproved genetically modified (GM, also called genetically engineered) wheat near a farm in Alberta, but says the contamination is an isolated event.(1)

“We’re relieved this is an isolated contamination case but we’re concerned that the government couldn’t determine how it happened. Without knowing the cause, contamination could happen again,” said Lucy Sharratt of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN).

Monsanto’s glyphosate-tolerant GM trait was found in several wheat plants on a road in southern Alberta in 2017. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency was unable to identify the cause.

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9 thoughts on “Unapproved Genetically Modified Wheat Found In Canada”

      1. chemical companies are scary to work for … they don’t let workers know what things they are handling under some patent secrecy type rules of secrecy and they all get sick ….

        Liked by 2 people

        1. really? disgusting murderers aren’t they? basically. Will have to compile all that info when I can or do you have articles on it. Praps will just post what you’ve shared if that info’s included. Pressed for time these days.

          Liked by 2 people

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